Normas : do ciberespaço ao direito
Norms : from cyberspace to law
30.06.2022 | FDUL | Anfiteatro 10 + online
[08:50-09:00] – abertura | opening
[09:00-10:00] – The Laws of Power and the Power of Laws on the Internet
Matthias Ketteman, Leibniz-Institut für Medienforschung | Hans-Bredow-Institut
[10:00-10:30] – break
[10:30-11:00] – Enquadramento do programa | the framework of the programme
Eduardo Vera Cruz (FDUL/Iuris/CIJIC), Nuno Guimaraes (ISCTE/
[11:00-12:30] – Ética e Tecnologia | Ethics and technology
The role of ethics and law in AI governance: a pragmatist approach
Frédéric Bruneault & Andréane Sabourin Laflamme, Collège André-Laurendeau, Québec, Canada
Regular ou não regular – eis a questão | To regulate or not to regulate, that is the question
Mário J. Silva, Instituto Superior Técnico, UL, Portugal
[12:30-14:30] – break
[14:30-16:00] – Painel II – Valores, Princípios e Direito | Values, Principles and Law
Design sensível a valores em IA | Value-Sensitive Design
Eduardo Magrani, Affil Berkman Klein Center UHarvard., Senior Consultant CCA Law Firm, Post Doc TUM
Constituição e normatividade digital | Constitution and digital normativity, Raquel Brízida Castro, FDUL